AVALON: Rei and Takashi
At the end of my senior year at Washington and Lee University, I had my first public exhibition that was centered around the state of my comic, AVALON, at that time, as well as showing mixed-media pieces that helped me explore and question different aspects of my comic and vice versa. The exhibition centers around the two main characters, Rei and Takashi. I found that a major theme of the comic is taking things for granted and how that impacts the relationship between members of a family. It also delves into the idea that nothing is as it seems and how that impacts the brother and sister in their adult lives in different forms both outside and inside themselves. An artist statement can be found below.
A digital print of an excerpt from chapter 1 of AVALON- the turning point of the story.
A visual representation of the state of mind of Takashi, one of the main characters of the comic, after the murder of his father and what ensued in his life afterward. The central white piece is mdf carved into with a CNC machine and jig-saw. Its bordered by water color portraits of Daisuke, his father, derived from a single image painted on plexiglass that was sandwiched together then taken apart to create two mirroring images.
An image derived from an important scene in AVALON. Gesso on black canvas
Because the process of making all the pieces in the show really impacted how I thought about chapter 3 and vice versa, I wanted to emphasize the importance of my process when it came to this show. Therefore, I decided to display this mock-up as a peak into the long process involved in making the comic.
This is another visual representation of Takashi's mind emphasizing his deep connection with his father and how he was affected by his death.Layered images printed on transparent paper and sandwiched between layers of plexiglass.
A visual representation of the state of mind of Rei, one of the main characters of the comic, after her mother's death and what ensued in his life afterward. The central white piece is mdf carved into with a CNC machine and jig-saw. Its bordered by water color portraits of Kazuko, her mother, derived from a single image painted on plexiglass that was sandwiched together then taken apart to create two mirroring images.
An image derived from an important scene in AVALON. Gesso on black canvas
Give-away bin of special edition copies of AVALON that included fully rendered chapters 1 and 2 and the chapter 3 linework